ParaWorld Zero
by Matthew Peterson

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ParaWorld Zero

In the first book of the Parallel Worlds series, Simon Kent, a 12-year old orphan boy from Earth, meets an odd girl named Tonya who strands them on a parallel world called Pudo. There, Simon befriends a teenager from each of the conflicting groups who live on the strange planet.

He soon learns that the Lisardians, an ancient enemy who nearly exterminated the Pudo race a thousand years ago, are coming back. But this time the citizens of Pudo have Simon and his friends to help them overcome the evil.

Parallel to Simon's story is another story of Tonya's people and their battle with the Raiders and a group of zealots who want to use the magical energy that streams throughout the paraworlds for their scientific purposes. Griffen and Tabatha, magical warriors sent by the High King, fight desperately to ensure peace in the paraverse once more.

In the end, each character will play a role in saving not only Pudo, but the governing body of the paraverse itself.


Book Information
Title: Paraworld Zero (Parallel Worlds, Book 1)
ISBN: 978-1-59092-491-4
Author: Matthew Peterson
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy / Science Fiction
Publisher: Blue Works (imprint of Windstorm Creative)
Publication Date: January 2008
Pages: 251
Illustrations: 30
Format: High Quality 6 x 9 x 0.5 Trade Paperback
Price: $16.99
Basic Audiobook CD-MP3: $39.95
Premium Audiobook DVD-MP3: $49.95 (Video/Audio)
In Stock Dec 2007

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Reviews From Other Authors

"It’s always a pleasure to find a new writer who is comfortable in that marvelous borderland between fantasy and science fiction. Even more of a pleasure to find one with flair and humour and a truly original imagination.

"What do you get when the effect that produces parallel worlds also creates the phenomenon that we loosely call magic power? You get a lot of really weird beings with slightly faulty technology bursting into the lives of…well…some really weird people. You also get murderous villains, mighty warriors, goddess-like women, impossible problems and some of the wildest chases since the Keystone Kops. More fun than a barrel of computer games.

"Read it. Trust me, you’ll have a terrific time on that borderland. Especially in the company of Matthew Peterson."

– Douglas Hill (bestselling science fiction / fantasy author of nearly 70 books)

"The exciting action of Star Wars with the humor of Napoleon Dynamite. I think Paraworld Zero has strong potential to be popular among readers."

– Diana Pharaoh Francis (author of the Path and Crosspointe series)

"Flame throwing pigeons and demonic dumpsters. Funny and imaginative."

– Maria V. Snyder (award-winning author of Poison Study, Magic Study, and Fire Study)

"Paraworld Zero doesn’t just take you to a parallel universe of strange beings and galactic battles where everything is ruled by magic; it takes you through a parallel journey of the heart. Matthew Peterson weaves a wonderful heartfelt story that any coming-of-age adolescent can relate. As Simon, Tonya, Thornapple and Har struggle with their own preconceived ideas and prejudices, they learn to trust, love and appreciate one another."

– T.L. Gray (author of the Necromancer series)

Paraworld Zero